Strona 9 z 10

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 17-01-2018, 10:39
autor: Triceratops
Troche jebie pedaliada, szczerze mowiac bardziej mi to przypomina Aghore niz Cynic.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-01-2020, 20:57
autor: ki3r
Sean Reinert nie żyje.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-01-2020, 23:03
autor: Edinazzu
Hmmmm Widzę, że kostucha w tym roku upomniała się po perkusistów. Najpierw Neil Peart...

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 03-09-2021, 15:01
autor: Żułek
CYNIC founding member and guitarist Paul Masvidal has shared the following statement: "Since my friend and CYNIC bandmate Sean Malone's passing in late 2020, many people have publicly speculated about, and privately reached out to me regarding, the circumstances of his death. I have kept my silence as I have worked through my grief and out of respect for Malone's privacy. Questions and rumors have persisted, so I want to share what I can with the many fans whose lives he touched so deeply and who are seeking closure.

"On December 7, 2020, Malone was found dead by suicide in Largo, Florida, where his mother had lived. She had been ailing for some time before her death in 2018; Malone had been her sole caregiver during her difficult final year. Then, in January 2020, we suddenly lost our bandmate Sean Reinert. Combined with his mother's loss, it was an emotional double whammy that hit Malone hard.

"After his mother's death, we spoke often, having long chats about grief, loss, and the future of CYNIC. I urged Sean to move out to California and live with me so he could get back on his feet and start fresh, and he did. I noticed a newfound vigor in Malone I hadn't seen before. He was excited to be in the world again, we were working on new music, and he even began teaching bass privately. Then came the pandemic. Everything shut down and so did Malone. His pain and suffering re-emerged and his light began to dim.

"Matters took an unexpected turn. Late one early summer night, he disappeared. I called him, left messages, texted, emailed, contacted missing persons and everyone we had in common, but no one had heard anything. There was no response. He quit the world. My hope that he was regrouping in private and would turn up safely turned to heartache on December 7th.

"As I share this sad news about his death, I want to celebrate his life by sharing one of his most beautiful and lyrical moments ever recorded, and one which his fans have not yet heard. A few years after the release of CYNIC's 'Re-Traced' EP, Sean Malone recorded fretless bass on this solo guitar and vocal track titled 'Integral'. Here's a video celebrating his playing, and a full transcription in his honor along with the song file for download.

"I am grateful to be able to share this video with you now, and I will share details about new music in the coming weeks. Please celebrate the genius and transcendent talent that was Sean Malone. Read more about his fascinating life, unique passions and accomplishments at his Wikipedia page.

"As an act of support, and in honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, I invite you to donate as you wish for the 'Integral' song download which comes with a guitar/bass transcription of the song and an instrumental (no bass mix) for fellow musicians to play along with. 50 percent of proceeds will be shared with suicide prevention organizations To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) and The Trevor Project. The remaining will go towards funding a documentary about the lives and artistry of Malone and Reinert.

"With love and courage, Paul Masvidal".
no i filmik

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 15-09-2021, 19:19
autor: Gumiak

Albume 26 listopada.

Najgorsze wokale jakie kiedykolwiek słyszałem, tragedia.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 15-09-2021, 19:46
autor: Żułek
przecież tego od dawna się słuchać nie da

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 15-09-2021, 21:13
autor: dzik
Ano chujnia, a wokale to chyba robił Kastrati.
Demówki i jedynka mi wystarczą.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 15-09-2021, 22:03
autor: Slyd
Gumiak pisze:
15-09-2021, 19:19

Albume 26 listopada.

Najgorsze wokale jakie kiedykolwiek słyszałem, tragedia.
KyrjeElejson.... Aż uszy bolą..... Co za gówno.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 03-10-2021, 08:23
autor: nicram
Muzycznie bez niespodzianek. Nawet mi się podoba, ale wokalnie bardzo słabo. Masvidal miałczy jak jebany kot. W każdym bądź razie wcześniej tak źle nie było.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 19-11-2021, 02:07
autor: Żułek
kolejny koszmarek ;)

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 20-11-2021, 16:33
autor: nicram
Paweł zamienił ten zespół w mocną pedaliadę. Szkoda.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-11-2021, 06:00
autor: nicram
Jest już i całość:

muzycznie moim zdaniem w porządku, wokalnie jest to tragedia.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-11-2021, 08:23
autor: Slyd
No chyba najwyższy czas przenieść ten temat do muzyki niemetalowej.
Koszmar. Uszy bolą.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-11-2021, 09:14
autor: Harlequin
Instrumentalnie jest to jak najbardziej ok, wokale tragedia (ale i tak lepsze niż w tegorocznym Agent Steel). Ma niestety wrażenie, że po śmierci dwóch Seanów to nie ma dla kogo słuchac tej kapeli.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-11-2021, 11:13
autor: Żułek
przecież na dobrą sprawe oni byli słuchalni tylko na demówkach
potem było już tylko gorzej

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-11-2021, 13:33
autor: Harlequin
Ja tam i Focus i Traced In Air lubie.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 25-11-2021, 13:35
autor: Żułek
Focus jeszcze ok ale musze mieć nastrój ;)
potem moje uszka mówią pas ;)

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 19-01-2022, 11:21
autor: Najprzewielebniejszy
Przebrnąłem właśnie przez Ascension Codes i był to mój pierwszy i zarazem ostatni kontakt z tym albumem.
Tak miałkiego i bezpłciowego, a jednocześnie męczącego w odbiorze gówna dawno nie miałem okazji słuchać.
Muzyka kojarzy mi się ze sceną z Dnia Świra gdzie przemiłe panie paplają sobie w pociągu o niczym.. natomiast wokalnie jest to rozdeptana meduza w pysku rzygającego kota. Ni to miałczenie, ni to śpiewanie, w dodatku nieustannie przepuszczone przez harmonizer, bleee.

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 19-01-2022, 12:51
autor: Herne the Hunter
Komentarz do wokali zajebisty :D

Re: CYNIC "Promo 08"

: 08-06-2023, 15:56
autor: Żułek

Type: Full-length
Release date: June 9th, 2023
Label: Season of Mist
Catalog ID: CYN0012
Version desc.: Digipak, Reissue, Remixed, Remastered