


Altered Realities
Co za debiut! Jestem absolutnie zauroczony tym co zaserwowała ta norweska ekipa i absolutnie nie dziwię się, że Dark Descent nie zwlekała z kontraktem. Dotychczasowe doświadczenie muzyków Sovereign w takich kapelach jak m.in. Nocturnal Breed, czy Execration na pewno pozwala oczekiwać kompozy...


  • Unleashed - new album update

    2004-02-09The following message has been posted online at band's website:

    "Hail warriors! Unleashed is currently in the studio for yet another deadly assault on mankind. We are done recording drums and some guitars at the present. I also have done some pre-work on the vocals. The recordings will continue throughout February and we hope to be done by the end of the month. We aim for 15 songs of pure hell!!

    So what's it going to be like you may ask?

    Well, let me first tell you this: Unleashed represents the past, present and future of reality. And therefore the most noble form of art; Death metal music. Our music and lyrics are sometimes too ironical, much historical and glorifying, prideful, absurdly aggressive, extremely hateful, accusing, and sometimes just far too much to handle, just like life itself. But the fact of the matter is: UNLEASHED IS REALITY! and therefore we take the liberty of describing it the way we see fit.

    This record is the most intense, brutal and aggressive record in the history of the band. We will leave no one alive, take no prisoners, and if you can't stand some of the worst hell there is out there...... DON'T GO NEAR THIS RECORD!

    But if you live in the same world as we do,....REJOICE DEMONS!"

    Johnny & the boys

    More info at: www.unleashed.nu/Dodał: Tomash



Altered Realities
Co za debiut! Jestem absolutnie zauroczony tym co zaserwowała ta norweska ekipa i absolutnie nie dziwię się, że Dark Descent nie zwlekała z kontraktem. Dotychczasowe doświadczenie muzyków Sover...



Harbinger of Woe
Niczym notoryczny morderca, który w ekstatycznym transie opowiada śledczym o tym, co w momentach szaleństwa robił z dziesiątkami swoich ofiar, tak Brodequin postanowili opowiedzieć nam po 20 lat...