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Altered Realities
Co za debiut! Jestem absolutnie zauroczony tym co zaserwowała ta norweska ekipa i absolutnie nie dziwię się, że Dark Descent nie zwlekała z kontraktem. Dotychczasowe doświadczenie muzyków Sovereign w takich kapelach jak m.in. Nocturnal Breed, czy Execration na pewno pozwala oczekiwać kompozy...


  • Dark Funeral - exit singer

    2010-07-25Swedish black metallers DARK FUNERAL have parted ways with singer Emperor Magus Caligula (real name: Masse Broberg) - his statement reads as follows:

    "I would like to inform all of our fans that on Saturday, August 21, at the Summer Breeze festival in Germany, I will be doing my last show with Dark Funeral. Naturally I have mixed feelings about this decision, but it is final! They say that every person will have about 15min of fame during their life....! Well, I have had a hell-of-a-ride for 15 years now together with Lord Ahriman and Dark Funeral."

    "I would like to take this opportunity to thank ALL of our fans for their amazing support during all the 15 years I’ve been with the band. And I would also like to thank my brothers in Dark Funeral for all these years together."

    "Caligula and I have shared some 15 kick ass years together. And I would naturally like to thank my brother for the amazing work he has done for Dark Funeral over all these years. It’s been a pleasure indeed working together. You will be missed deeply! But as with everything else, I understand when people change course and get new priorities in life. And I fully respect that. Life moves on after all, and so will DARK FUNERAL.

    In the meantime, and while we’re searching for a new vocalist, the most logical thing for us to do, is obviously to enter writing mood. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. From now on and until we have found and installed a new killer vocalist we begin to work on a new full-length album. However, you can be rest assured that as soon as we have found a new vocalist, we’ll set full force, and continue to tour the world in usual Dark Funeral manner.

    This statement also serves as an official launch for a new vocalist! Naturally, our demands on a new vocalist will be very high, but I/we are fully confident that there are some amazing vocalists out there that would fit us like a hand in glove. So if you do believe that you have what it takes to blow us away with your vocal skills, and to replace Caligula, don’t hesitate to send us some audio/DVD files of your vocal performance! Send to: vocalist at darkfuneral.se .

    regainrecords.com/Dodał: Wouter
    Źródło: bravewords.com

Najnowsza recenzja


Altered Realities
Co za debiut! Jestem absolutnie zauroczony tym co zaserwowała ta norweska ekipa i absolutnie nie dziwię się, że Dark Descent nie zwlekała z kontraktem. Dotychczasowe doświadczenie muzyków Sover...

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...co do saksofonu to był to przypadek całkowity. Bo idąc coś zjeść do miasta napotkaliśmy kolesia który na ulicy grał na saksofonie. Zagadałem do niego żeby nagrał nam jakieś partie i zgodził się. Oczywiście nie miał pojęcia na co się porwał, do tego komunikacja nie była najlepsza, bo okazał się być obywatelem Ukrainy i język polski nie był dobry albo w ogóle go nie było...