
  • Malevolent Creation - "Envenomed"

    2000 / 7cd
    Pavement Europe
    "The Fine Art of Murder" was not the album I was nailed by. Nevertheless Malevolent Creation has always been a top priority of musical preferences of mine, but the previous release gone with a wind leaving nothing but good reactions. Although the newest one, simply and deceptively entitled "Envenomed", is undoubtedly a poisonous injection gashing out into our metallic vanes! The best line-up ever occurred to Malevolent Creation once again exhibited their need for sonic mass-murder. Even if such statements like - the best album of the band - sounds a bit tritely, this is really true to the core! I love "Eternal" or "In Cold Blood", not mentioning of "The Ten Commandments", but the latest accomplishment of Malevolent Creation is indeed the very best material I've heard from them so far. The heaviness, the velocity of the sound, the pounding dins of utter musical proficiency, just all here kill, grind and remorselessly drill a huge hole inside our forehands. Phil, Gordon, Bret, Dave and Rob gave us a tangible proof how death metal ought to be played. Fast as never before, perfect as always. If the band records such imposing album after 13 years of its existence, no question left, the ultimate adoration eventually found its embodiment. If you've ever been under siege you perfectly know what I mean here. A sole gig in Poland is already booked, so prepare yourselves for the uncontrollable death metal force that will pound you into dust. There will be no causalities, merely ashes remain. Chewing the fat about a death metal revival, what's a current topic present-day, is nothing but a futile reasoning, for such records as "Envenomed" has constantly been appointing the thriving future for the undefeatable genre! Perhaps I'm not too objective here, hell with you, I needn't! Death metal has always been a part of my life and "Envenomed" instantly found a suitable place in the mighty pantheon of death.

    Bartosz Donarski / 9 Szukaj więcej o Malevolent Creation

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