
  • Revocation - "Summon the Spawn"

    Revocation - Summon the Spawn Boston, Massachusetts based death metal power trio Revocation make no mistake about being influenced by "Spiritual Healing" era Death and classic Bay Area thrash metal. Describing themselves as a 'technical metal band that combines the power and aggression of the old-school thrash metal style with the twisted musicanship of technical death metal.' As a matter of fact, I couldn't have said it better. Dual vocals (provided by guitarist David Davidson and bassist Anthony Buda) mix with well-structured bass-heavy technical death metal with impressive lead sections that leaves enough room for its epic thrash influences to seep through. Revocation is technically very accomplished despite their young age, but never get lost in the madness, the 3 tracks ('Summon the Spawn', 'Unattained' and 'Suffer these Wounds') of this promo stand testament to that. "Summon the Spawn" is the band's first recorded venture and an impressive one at that. The production is smooth, organic and while gritty where needed, it leaves plenty of room for each instrument. Especially great is the fact that the band gives the bass guitar a prominent room in the final mix and their attention to detail in the guitar leads is admirable, to say the least. Revocation should land a record deal soon, given that they further conceptualize their musical entity. Two thumbs up! / 8 Szukaj więcej o Revocation

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