
  • Revocation - "Empire Of the Obscene"

    Revocation - Empire Of the Obscene Boston, Massachusetts technical death/thrash power trio Revocation return after their promising 2006 EP "Summon the Spawn". This trio that was formerly known as Cryptic Warning bring an American interpretation of classic European early ‘90s death/thrash that sounds convincing, versatile and energetic. "Empire Of the Obscene" sounds like a potent mix between "Malleus Maleficarum" era Pestilence, "Beneath the Remains" era Sepultura and "Heartwork" era Carcass. Taking the excellent dynamics of Pestilence with the visceral intensity of Sepultura and the technical prowess of Carcass combined with shredding extensive leads and solos Revocation are a band that is going places. Anthony Buda (bass) and David Davidson (guitars) share vocal duties and their two-way vocal interplay will have many underground death metal bands taking notes. Contrary to many of its peers Revocation don't concentrate on being the fastest, most brutal or most technical act around – instead they focus their collective energies on writing memorable, catchy material that dares to become classic with the proper backing. The production is warm and organic with emphasis on the bass guitar. The riffs sound thick while remaining clear and the drums sound natural despite their triggering. The artwork provided by the inimitable Par Olofsson (Human Filetted, Psycroptic, Severed Savior) gives the independently released album an air of big label backed release. / 8 Szukaj więcej o Revocation

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