
  • Infernal Kingdom - "S.A.T.A.N."

    Frenteuropa Records
    Infernal Kingdom - S.A.T.A.N. This Infernal Kingdom hail from Porto, Portugal (and is not to be mistaken with their namesakes from Chile and the United States) and with “S.A.T.A.N.” released their second and final album, before splitting up in 2011 after a decade of existence. This is thrashing black metal that is as primitive and traditional as they come. In fact this sounds a lot similar to “Witching Metal” era Sodom in its sheer simplicity and enthusiasm, with the black metal stylings only serving as windowdressing. Infernal Kingdom don’t possess the chops to make their assault dynamically interesting. Bands as Dark Funeral, Enthroned, Horncrowned, Sammath and Zwartplaag have perfected this genre, in terms of execution and production. Compared to those acts Infernal Kingdom clearly is still in its infancy. The one thing that makes Infernal Kingdom stand out is female vocalist Naamah Satana, although that is hardly anything new. Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult pre-dated this band by three years in introducing a frontwoman in black metal. There isn’t a great deal of variety present but Infernal Kingdom succeeds in what they set out do. Naamah is sufficiently depraved in her throaty rasps, even though a bit of variety wouldn’t hurt. The lack of dynamics and the building of tension harm these cuts and make it clear that Infernal Kingdom isn’t about to join the upper echelon of this genre anytime soon. Thankfully the production is fittingly sparse with a prominent place for the bass guitar. Similarities in production with Enthroned’s debut “Prophecies Of Pagan Fire” are abound making this album easy to listen to. Two bonus rehearsal tracks offer a glimpse into the influences of this band with true-to-form renditions of Venom staple ‘Black Metal’ and Sepultura’s earliest hit ‘Troops Of Doom’. These rehearsal tracks obviously sound a lot more chaotic and the production is shrill, cavernous and underproduced, but that is expected and therefore excuseable. Overall Infernal Kingdom add nothing to the primitive black metal underground or the pantheon as a whole, nevertheless genre fans might find this of interest.

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