
  • Denial Of God - "Death and The Beyond"

    Hells Headbangers Records
    Denial Of God - Death and The Beyond Denial Of God was one of the early Danish traditional black metal acts, but never went anywhere of note. Of it current incarnation only drummer Michael Pedersen (Exmortem, Panzerchrist) is somewhat known. Compared to past efforts this record is clearly more diverse, incorporating elements from black, thrash, death, doom and pure heavy metal. But just because a band can mix a lot of different styles doesn’t mean that the result of worthy of praise. Going from what this album offers it’s not surprising that Denial Of God didn’t go to greener pastures like some of their contemporaries. Much of the material simply isn’t gripping enough, nor does it possess that spark and compositional greatness that seperates the wheat from the chaff. “Death and the Beyond” sounds like just another underground black metal act doing what they do. For death metal standards, this is way too tame, as a black metal record it’s too gothic in general atmosphere, it’s not nearly funereal enough for doom metal terms and despite some neat riffing a new heavy metal icon isn’t found here. There are too many followers and despite statements to the contrary, Denial Of God never was a leader in any genre. Generally speaking the cuts plod onwards without any real payoff or climax. The songs go through many twists and turns and there’s a host of different atmospheres – yet with no significant objective or goal in mind these tracks are nothing but a collection of riffs. The only thing black metal about Denial Of God is their lyrical content and vocal stylings, otherwise this is fairly restraint sounding heavy death metal with elements of classic doom (think Solitude Aeturnus) sprinkled in. Denial Of God is able to create an appropriate spooky atmosphere with relative little means, but Mortiis already perfected this shtick in the early 1990s.

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