
  • Dehumanized - "Controlled Elite"

    Comatose Music/Clawhammer
    Dehumanized - Controlled Elite Dehumanized are a NY death metal combo that split originally in 2000 and a second time in 2007. For a moment in the late 1990’s they were the next big things in the NY death metal scene, but the band dissolved before anything of note could transpire. "Controlled Elite" is the first new material since their lone 1998 album "Prophecies Foretold", which was a minor classic in the underground. These days they are mostly remembered for being one of the bands covered by NY juggernauts Dying Fetus on their "History Repeats..." EP. Dehumanized sound like your typical NYDM act, with heavy emphasis on slams and bare bones riffing, much like their contemporaries in Internal Bleeding ("Voracious Contempt", "The Extinction Of Benevolence") and earliest Pyrexia ("Sermon Of Mockery"), but generally more uptempo. There’s nothing ornamental about this music and that’s supposed to be the point. This is honest blue collar, streetwise death metal that is almost thuggish in delivery and sincerity. Dehumanized need no high faluting concept or gimmick to sell their wares. They are no Johnny-come-latelies either, as they were one of the originators of the subgenre, even though they always languished in obscurity as other regional combos rose to prominence. The album features guest vocals by Frank Mullen (Suffocation), but when everybody tries to sound like Mullen it is hard to tell exactly where he appears. ‘Man vs Man’ has a guest guitar solo by Terrance Hobbs (Suffocation), which is easy to find as Dehumanized don’t do solos themselves. Recorded by Joe Cincotta at Full Force Studios. Hopefully this will be able to forward Dehumanized’s profile internationally, before they implode for a third time.

    www.comatosemusic.comWouter / 7 Szukaj więcej o Dehumanized

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