
  • Vomitor - "The Escalation"

    / EP
    Hells Headbangers Records
    Vomitor - The Escalation Continuing our intrepid journey through the wastelands of the Australian underground, here’s Vomitor with a little something for ya. You’d be hardpressed to not notice that this unit has ex-members of famous brawlers Bestial Warlust, unless you have been in coma for the last 20 odd years. This is denim and leather metal, alright. You can almost smell the sweat and stench of stale beer as this record plays in the background. It’s like 1994 never passed. A time when retro-black/thrash/death metal wasn’t yet a movement or subgenre for douchebag kids to indulge themselves in. No, back then it was a badge of honor and the embodiment of true metaldom, one of paying tribute to the genre’s ancient masters. Anyway, Vomitor is angry and rightly so. What you get is 7 tracks of mid to high speed, traditional death/black metal with an undercurrent of ‘80s German thrash metal with a dose of "Seven Churches" era Possessed in the riffing to keep things interesting. The leads/solos scream, tear and occasionally will make your head burst, but that’s the point. It’s not what is done, but how. Vomitor is honest about its craft, and that shows. These guys aren’t doing it for the fame or money (haha) - no, they genuinely love their metal and encourage you to buy the records that inspired them. Which is not bad advice when you think about it. It’s crude, it’s ugly and no matter how much you’ll probably hate the "production", you know this is how extreme metal is supposed to sound. Be sure to pick up a crate of beer on your way out to buy this record, and throw the horns when you finally own it. This is death metal, the Metal of Death.

    www.hellsheadbangers.comWouter / 7 Szukaj więcej o Vomitor

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